
Sitemap for BlueSky Digital Labs website

BlueSky Digital Labs
customised online solutions
BlueSky specialises in custom web software development, apps and systems that set your business free to grow and thrive.
At BlueSky we push the margins of possibility to create ingenious digital solutions.
Explore, evaluate and scope your start-up idea with our experienced team
Simplify your systems, get them talking and take your integrations to the next level
App Development
Amplify your market presence with a mobile or web app that sets your business apart
Custom Solutions
Discover the freedom a custom software or web application brings to your business
Maximise your impact with proximity marketing using beacon technology
Ideas Lab
Find the recipe to take a good idea and make it a great business solution
We've helped hundreds of clients find the freedom to take their business to the next level with custom online solutions.
Epicuest Founders' wanted to grow and scale their business
Schoolzine Director, Phil Reardon, knew his 3rd party systems were costing him dearly
Director Tim Antonievich knew his existing system was ready for an upgrade and asked for our help.
OSH Club
The Vacation Care program was a minefield until BlueSky developed an automated system
Business Key
Business Key Director, Les Waugh, needed to give his print directory the digital kiss of life.
BusBee Director John Hurley needed help to bring his idea to life!
Government officials wanted to reduce wait times for their community but needed a data scientist to lead the way.
With transportation problems going from bad to worse, CEO Keith Dyer needed solutions fast.
Australian CEO Jack Browne knew the answers were in the data, the question was, how to find them?
Time Conti Sheffield
Cindy needed an effortless system that would update multiple real estate platforms.
Norup Wilson
Directors John Norup and Dave Wilson wanted a seamless system that would set them apart.
Director Chris Nimos had a game changing idea, he just needed the right team to bring it to life.
We're a team of full stack developers, front end designers, data analysts and system integrators. Technology is in our blood, it's our passion and we love working on the margins of possibility, pushing the boundaries and pioneering new ground.
Our story
Discover the story of our name, what it means and why it matters
Our principles
What we at BlueSky stand for
Our team
Meet some of the people who bring BlueSky to life
Timothy Robinson
Chief Operating Officer
Diego Chaves
Mobile App Developer
Luke Fordham
Software Developer
Brian Tan
Senior Software Engineer
Reece Pieri
Software Developer
Jyle Darling
Software Developer
Francis Villarba
Software Developer
Phillip Whillier
Senior Software Engineer
Aryan Bilbas
Software Developer
Eugene van Aurich
Software Development Manager
Rodolfo Conde
App Developer
Bradley Torpy
Software Developer
How we work
Dig into the process we use to make your vision a reality

Join us for here on the blog where we share our thoughts, ideas and conversations. We explore the topics that matter to you, from emerging technology to systems and solutions, bring your curiosity, questions and an open mind ...

Implementing GraphQL in PHP
Our journey implementing GraphQL in PHP - the honeymoon and the post-honeymoon period
BlueSky Digital Labs & Horizon Digital join forces
We're pleased to announce that BlueSky Digital Labs and Horizon Digital have officially joined forces on Monday 1 May 2023.
Benefits of Automating in your business
As we know technology is improving every single day and this means there is more of an opportunity to use this to your advantage, especially in the business world.
BlueSky wins the Innovation Award at the Belmont Business Awards 2021
BlueSky won an award at the 28th Belmont & Western Australia Small Business Awards 2021 last night!
Five steps to creating a mobile application
Experience what the software part of app development is at BlueSky
What is Beacon Technology?
Beacons are the future of marketing and offer a unique way of interacting with your customers through their Smartphone. They are essentially a positioning system device with a small wireless transmitter which are able to send a signal through Bluetooth, called Bluetooth Low Energy BLE for short.
What is Flutter and Why We Use it to Build Software Applications?
Flutter has been created and owned by Google, which is a cross-platform development tool coming from a single code base. This means to write the code once and deploy it across all the different platforms such as iOS, Android, and Web.
Is Innovation key to Business Success?
How to achieve success for your business by aligning all aspects of the business; technology, people and process.
Case studies on two recent BlueSky Projects
Two recent use cases to better understand what BlueSky Digital Labs offers and where our place is in the market.
Top 3 Tips: Technology Development for Small, Medium Businesses
Top 3 Tips: Technology Development for Small, Medium Businesses. Is the cost of a commercial development team too expensive for my business?
Using the HTML picture tag for swapping images
The <picture> tag can be used for more than just swapping images for responsiveness
Material Design Resizer
Get your website clients to easily test their website responsiveness
New Frogponds website now live
And I created my first CSS image sprite in more than 10 years!
PlayGrasshopper project
A new bluetooth beacon based project for the BlueSky team.
CSS Text Gradients
How to use CSS only for gradients on your text
Frogponds online sourcing platform
The new and improved Froponds system is now live.
Les and Lana Waugh, Business Key
Quality work and a good client relationship will stand the test of time.
Fomantic UI 2.8.6 released
The latest Fomantic UI release is available now, which "fixes serious display bugs in dropdown, modal on Firefox, icons and image/basic labels"
Fomantic 2.8.5
Upgrading to Fomantic UI version 2.8.5
A picture book written in code, on Kickstarter
A Day in Code - a picture book written in code. This Kickstarter campaign is definitely something we at BlueSky can get behind.
BlueSky COVID-19 Statement
Important message from our Directors regarding COVID-19
Small Business Awards 2019
BlueSky Digital Labs was a finalist at the 26th Belmont & Western Australian Small Business Awards 2019.
Lorem Ipsum "repository"
The one "spot" for you to easily copy (and paste) Lorem Ipsum text
Browser Viewport Assistance
Tool to assist you in reporting (to us) your browser's viewport
Semantic UI for website
Building a client website using the Semantic UI framework.
BlueSky is upgrading to React v16.8
The latest version of React is 16.8, and our development team is currently in the process of switching over to this latest version.
Custom URL for your business' Google My Business listing
Be sure to claim your Google My Business custom (short) URL for your verified business listing.
Tour of The Crest in Burswood
BlueSky was recently given a tour of the newly built luxury apartment The Crest in Burswood. Our directors were also allowed access to the rooftop area to marvel at the amazing views of the surrounding area.
Getting around Shinjuku, Tokyo with Augmented Reality in Google Maps
Our Director Riz made a point to use the AR functionality of Google Maps during his recent trip to Tokyo, Japan.
New company shirts and Team BlueSky additions
Our new company shirts have arrived, and we have two of our recent team additions to show both colour variations off!
Exploring ideas with Mixed Reality
Work at BlueSky can sometimes be fun, like our most recent project with the Microsoft HoloLens.
Beacon Technology - Tamborine Rainforest Skywalk
BlueSky partnered with Epicuest to develop for Skywalk, a solution which involved the use of Beacon Technology with both Andoid and iOS mobile apps, to translate information to guests, in their preferred language.
Mind melting calculations to solve a shape sorting conundrum
A behind the scenes look at the challenges we faced when dealing with a shape sorting problem when exploring how custom development breaks new ground. This article is for the mathematically minded reader who enjoys exploring the formulas, models and calculations that we used to solve this complex problem.
BlueSky proud to be a Subiaco AFC Club Sponsor
BlueSky is proud to announce their sponsorship of Subiaco AFC, a grassroots community sports club nased in Perth, Western Australia.
Here's how custom development breaks new ground
When you're developing a new idea for an app, system or product it can be daunting to know where to start. The number of software packages available for use is growing every day! Most of the average problems you're looking to solve will generally have an open source solution out there somewhere, but when it comes to new concepts, it can leave you vulnerable to sloppy development practices.
Beacons - What why how?
With the arrival of smart phones, the average person has more computing power at their fingertips than NASA had for the Apollo 11 moon landing! As technology evolves, we expect more from it, hence we're always looking for the next big thing!
What is the "best" front-end framework to use?
Front-end frameworks are meant to help you quickly get started building a new website. Popular ones include Bootstrap, Foundation, and even Semantic UI. But a question we constantly get is - "which of these are the best to use"?
To the BlueSky and beyond!
BlueSky signals a new phase for the team, where we embrace our vision to become Australia's leading online custom solutions developer.
Have a question? Want to chat? Use the contact form to get in touch
Podcast, meeting, and event space for hire
Viewport Assistance
Get your viewport values here - this will show you your current browser's viewable width and height.
the day of the year, today
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum text placeholder you can copy for your website
Experts innovate. They take action on ideas.
Discover if your idea is viable