
"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it."
Terry Pratchet, Diggers

Lorem Ipsum "repository"


Need to quickly copy paste "lorem ipsum" text for your website placeholders, design, etc?

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Lorem Ipsum "repository" | BlueSky Perth Custom Web + App Development

No worries, we (now) got you covered. Visit, and bookmark, the link below to easily copy (up to 10 paragraphs) and paste to wherever you want.

Why do we have this page now? Basically, our developers and designers simply needed the one "spot" they can easily remember to copy from, whenever they needed it.

Well, also, I got tired of having to constantly send them a whole "lorem ipsum" snippet.

Rizal Farok | BlueSky Perth Custom Web + App Development
Rizal Farok
4 years ago

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